Join a bunch of fun-loving people who are as crazy as you are for the 2025 Dahlgren Heritage Rail Trail 50K. The trail is flat, well-maintained, and mostly shaded. But running 31 miles is still crazy. See you on race morning!
You'll be on the course for a little bit of time.... so it is a good idea to know what to expect. Spoiler alert: it is awesome.
Get all the information about the race: schedule, parking info, trail briefing and more...you can't say you weren't told!
Take a look at historical results and check back during the race to see this year's results in real-time.
We'd Love Your Feedback

The Course
Trail Name:
Converted railroad bed. 99.8% dirt, grass, pine needles, crushed stone, small gravel
The race is an out and back
Fairly flat with some gradual inclines and declines. Thankfully trains don't like steep hills.
Time Limit:
There is an 8 hour time limit to finish the race.
Support Crew:
Crew assistance is limited to aid station locations. All other on-course support is prohibited.
Description: We start on the Eastern end of the trail.
The race is run entirely on the Dahlgren Railroad Heritage Trail which is a converted railroad bed and provides solid footing with little or no roots. This trail is flat, smooth, and fast with a variety of surfaces ranging from dirt, gravel, grass, and pine needles.
The course is an out and back that starts toward the eastern end of the trail and heads west for 15.5 miles before turning back. The volunteers from Friends of the Dahlgren Trail do an excellent job of ensuring that the trail is in peak shape for the race!
The trees along the trail ensure almost 100% shade during the run.

Race Info
Event Date: Saturday August 2, 2025
Start Time: 6:30 AM
Trail Brief: 6:00 AM
Packet Pickup:
Friday Aug 1: 1:30 - 3 PM Fleet Feet Fredericksburg
Friday Aug 1: 4:30 - 6:30 PM Anytime Fitness
Saturday Aug 2: 5:15 - 6 AM near the race starting line
Cutoff Time:
8 hours to complete the race
You must be able to hold an average pace of 15:26 min/mile
Online registration only through UltraSignup
Hotels and Food:
There are several hotels located near the Start/Finish area.
The Holiday Inn Express is offering discounted rates of $119 per night for 50K participants. Call them for details: (540) 625-2034
There are a variety of dining options and grocery stores close to the Start/Finish area for pre or post race nutrition (or post race gluttony). You will have earned it.
There are two options available for 50K parking on race morning.
You can either park at the UMW Dahlgren campus parking lot which is located right next to the start/finish line. 4224 University Drive, King George, VA 22485 OR
Race day parking is also available at the King George Gateway Shopping Center. There is plenty of parking at the shopping center. 16375 Merchants Ln, King George, VA 22485
Please carpool and arrive early!
Previewing the Course:
If you want to check out the course early or perhaps do some training runs on it, you are required to have a trail use permit.
The permits are FREE and can be obtained by filling out a short online form here: Trail Use Permit
Aid Stations
There will be 7 aid stations available to runners during the 50K Race. They are spaced out by approximately 4 miles.
Aid Station Locations:
Mile 3.3: Panorama Drive crossing
Mile 7.9: Indiantown Road crossing
Mile 12: Comorn Road crossing
Mile 15.5: Turnaround
Mile 19: Comorn Road crossing
Mile 23.1: Indiantown Road crossing
Mile 24.6: Fluid Only
Mile 27.7: Panorama Drive crossing
Mile 30.1: Owens Road crossing - Fluid Only
There is water, Gatorade and food at each station. Additionally, there are PBJ sandwiches at miles 12, 19 and 27.7.
Porta Potties:
Mile 3.3 Aid Station
Mile 7.9 Aid Station
Mile: 12. Aid Station
Mile 14.8.
Mile 16.2
Mile 19 Aid Station
Mile 23.1 Aid Station
Mile 27.7 Aid Station
Bag Drop:
Bag drop will be available at the start. You can have 2 drop bags that we will deliver to separate aid stations.
Location 1: Indiantown Road Aid Station. You will be here at miles 7.9 and 23.1
Location 2: Lambs Creek Road Crossing. You will be here at Miles 14.8 and 16.2.
Bag drop procedures will be communicated to runners the week of the race.

Awards and Swag
Cash Awards: Top three male and female finishers
1st Place: $200
2nd Place: $100
3rd Place: $50
Course Record Bonus: First person running faster than:
Male: 3:10:26
Female: 3:39:26
Fastest person in each category who runs faster than the existing record will receive a $100 cash bonus.
Age Group Awards:
Top 3 male and female in the following age groups will receive an award
18-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60-69 and 70 and over.
Awards Ceremony:
We will hold an awards ceremony at 12 PM at the main tent near the starting area.
Race participants receive:
Technical race shirt
Custom finisher's medal
Have questions about the race, or are you interested in partnering with us? Please reach out, Frankenstein did, — we’re happy to help.

Hammer Nutrition
Shout out to Hammer Nutrition for being the Nutrition Sponsor for the 2025 DHRT 50K! You'll be able to fuel your body on the course with Hammer Nutrition products at our Aid Stations. The Virginia heat and humidity in August can provide an extra challenge on race day, so hydration and nutrition on the course will be the key to your success!